Николай Петров
Николай Петров – кандидат географических наук (1982), член Научного совета Московского Центра Карнеги. В 1990-1995 гг. работал в качестве эксперта и советника в Верховном Совете РФ, правительстве и администрации президента РФ. Был руководителем-организатором сектора анализа и прогнозирования ВС РФ, возглавлял рабочую группу по проблемам регионального развития при Правительстве РФ, работал в Аналитическом центре Президента РФ. С 1995 г. с перерывом на 2000-2002 гг. работает в Московском Центре Карнеги в качестве сопредседателя программы по внутренней политике, руководителя программы «Общество и регионы». В 2000-2002 гг. был приглашенным профессором Макалестер-колледжа, США. Автор свыше ста научных публикаций, включая 12 книг, в том числе «Политического Альманаха России» в трех томах и ежегодников к нему (соавтор и редактор), двухтомника по федеральной реформе, многочисленных работ по демократизации, региональному развитию, выборам, федерализму, территориально-этническим конфликтам и др.
Nikolai Petrov is Scholar in Residence at the Carnegie Moscow Center, where he works at Domestic Politics and Political Institution program and directs the project ‘Society and regions’. Petrov earned his Ph.D. from the Moscow State University in 1982. In 1990-1995, he served as an advisor to the Russian parliament, government, and presidential administration.
He is the author or editor of numerous publications dealing with analysis of Russia’s political regime, post-Soviet transformation, social-economic and political development of Russia’s regions, democratization, federalism, and elections, among other topics. His works include the three-volume 1997 Political Almanac of Russia (in Russian) and the annual supplements to it. He is the coauthor of Between Dictatorship and Democracy: Russian post-communist political reform (Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, 2004), The Dynamics of Russian Politics: Putin’s Reform of Federal-Regional Relations in two volumes (Rowman & Littlefield Publ., 2004, 2005), Putin’s Russia: Past Imperfect, Future Uncertain (Rowman & Littlefield Publ., 2010), Overmanaged Democracy in Russia: Governance Implications of Hybrid Regimes (Carnegie papers, 2010).
Nikolai Petrov is Scholar in Residence at the Carnegie Moscow Center, where he works at Domestic Politics and Political Institution program and directs the project ‘Society and regions’. Petrov earned his Ph.D. from the Moscow State University in 1982. In 1990-1995, he served as an advisor to the Russian parliament, government, and presidential administration.
He is the author or editor of numerous publications dealing with analysis of Russia’s political regime, post-Soviet transformation, social-economic and political development of Russia’s regions, democratization, federalism, and elections, among other topics. His works include the three-volume 1997 Political Almanac of Russia (in Russian) and the annual supplements to it. He is the coauthor of Between Dictatorship and Democracy: Russian post-communist political reform (Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, 2004), The Dynamics of Russian Politics: Putin’s Reform of Federal-Regional Relations in two volumes (Rowman & Littlefield Publ., 2004, 2005), Putin’s Russia: Past Imperfect, Future Uncertain (Rowman & Littlefield Publ., 2010), Overmanaged Democracy in Russia: Governance Implications of Hybrid Regimes (Carnegie papers, 2010).
Materials by this author:
15:39, 28.08.2010
Россия-2020: государство,
10:31, 13.07.2010